1. Someone found the beginning of a rainbow.
2. Fell asleep in the bath...
3. The Teletubbies. Sorry for ruining your childhood...
4. “On my way to work this morning.”
5. An unusual spiderweb
6. Rapunzel, is that you?
7. An extraordinary stone slope in Norway
8. A kitchen with a window between the kitchen units
9. This is what’s hiding behind the screens in cinemas:
10. New York City during a storm
11. “My dad and his friends look like the cast of Stranger Things.”
12. The water that this elephant is washed with looks like an elephant itself.
13. Traces of dinosaurs living in the first half of the Cretaceous period, El Chocón, Argentina.
14. When your roof is the perfect place for a patio:
15. “It was a rainy week and it caused grass to grow on my sheep.”
16. Just a horse and a pony, but what a contrast!
SoItWas on brightside.me
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