1. A sea of eyes
2. Just when you thought the mall was safe...
3. You know it’s time to move when...
4. Just a lady out for a sunset stroll on the roof
5. It’s okay, we’ll just take the bus home from work today.
6. The notification on the security app said, “Your doorbell detected a visitor.”
7. Just what you’d expect to see in an old, abandoned sanitarium.
8. At least we know we’re not alone in the forest.
9. We’ll grab the next wave.
10. Always look where you’re walking.
11. Don’t think we’ll be picking up this hitchhiker any time soon.
12. Maybe we should head back to the shore.
13. “Could I have another straw, please?”
14. Ok, these crows are definitely plotting something.
15. Hey, can we get down from here?
16. Oh, how nice! Some friends are visiting a boy at the hospital.
17. Imagine the boat rocking gently side to side.
18. Do you know what lives in your walls?
19. “Hello! Won’t you come inside?”
20. Could someone else open the curtains today, please?
SoItWas on brightside.me
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