1. “He was bored at the pub so we put squirrel videos on YouTube.”
2. When you sold your bike but can’t get rid of the habit:
3. “Meet Jax. He’s the Official Stamp Licker at the post office in the village of Portree, Scotland.”
4. When you buy a new car and feel scared of everything:
5. That awkward moment when you realize all the expenses didn’t pan out...
6. This little guy sure knows how to have a good time!
7. The synchronization was a success!
8. “My neighbor had a new camera installed. Now I can sleep peacefully. No enemies shall pass.”
9. “At the local zoo, I saw a lemur achieve a zen state of mind.”
10. A brief instruction on how to make a realistic drawing of a dog.
11. “I thought this guy was watching me during the whole flight until I realized he put his sunglasses backward.”
12. “I’ve been singing different songs for like 15 minutes and I thought I was good. Then I turned around and saw their reaction.”
13. When T-shirt print speaks for itself:
14. So much happiness in this GIF!
15. If you don’t like onions, it doesn’t mean onions don’t like you.
16. “I was finally able to stop slowly enough at a light to catch my helpful co-pilot sleeping on the job.”
17. Rule #1: You might not be hungry at all but you have to come when you hear the sound of your food bag.
18. “When I was in Mexico, I saw a little sombrero and a little saddle and I knew I had to buy them for this reason.”
19. “My dog’s daycare helped her make me a Mother’s Day present.”
20. The photo on the right is Photoshopped but what fun would it be if it were real!
SoItWas on brightside.me
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