1. We don’t think he realized he’d be filmed from this angle.
2. “My girlfriend didn’t want to lose her keys so she did this.”
3. This should work!
4. Caroline Wozniacki trying to do... something?
5. This is also a form of gas, right?
6. This customer would’ve been a cute kid.
7. “I don’t think my mom understands how her rice cooker works.”
8. This is why you shouldn’t park on the beach.
9. A dishonest mistake
10. Snapchat fail of the day
11. What were these girls at IKEA thinking?
12. “My company wanted to make our fountain pink for breast cancer awareness. Didn’t quite get it right.”
13. “Mom thought she bought a map of the world.”
14. The carpenter was having a bad day.
15. Giving passengers a loaded gun...
16. “This is how my wife decided to unpack her new cable.”
17. Perfect bench placement
18. Only one spot left to paint now!
19. “Long yellow things”
20. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
SoItWas on brightside.me
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