1. This will teach you not to take food pictures for Instagram:
2. You’re not going anywhere, man.
3. So my sister got her allergy test done and she was allergic to everything they tested for. Her worst reaction was to horses.
4. So this actually just happened at my aunt’s house:
5. I attended a training event on trauma today. However, it was this sight that traumatized me all day:
6. Perfect grilled cheese sandwich...nevermind.
7. Well, now we know the Star of David works.
8. He looks devastated...
9. I was always against ripped jeans.
10. A second before...
11. Pretty sure my mom thinks she’s charging it...
12. Bubblegum blanket!
13. It was designed, made, processed, shipped, received, and installed — and no one noticed something was a little bit off?
14. Oh, look, a lemon...
15. I never thought I’d be scared of chocolate chip cookies...
16. My friend wanted to go to the Night of Museums but couldn’t leave his dog alone...
17. What a strange grocery choice...
18. If it’s fate — it’s fate.
19. A porcupine fell out of a tree and landed on her head.
20. Was this his punishment?
SoItWas on brightside.me
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