1. One cute prom dress
2. “Surprised the kids tonight with some feetloaf.”
3. That’s how magic works.
4. “So my daughter did this to her shower. She’s sort of into chemistry.”
5. “My mom’s cross stitch project took over a year to finish.”
6. “My collection of lighters”
7. True Hellgirl
8. “I like to paint tiny cats.”
9. “My dice collection”
10. “This Pac-Man decor made out of Rubik’s cubes”
11. A special dress for this meteorite collection.
12. Staple city
13. “My granddad’s tool collection in his shed”
14. Picturesque
15. “My board game collection”
16. “My Star Wars helmet collection”
17. “My copy editor father’s collection of worn down pencils”
18. “My wife makes wedding bouquets out of old comic books.”
19. “My Harry Potter collection”
SoItWas on brightside.me
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