Photographer Shows A Simple Trick That Will Allow You To Turn Your Photos Into Stunning Art

If you're just beginning your adventure with photography, this simple trick will help you achieve much better results. Especially with portraits.

Wedding photographer Mathias Fast has shared a no-cost hack that will improve your photos with use of reflections. All you need is a phone screen. By using it as a reflective surface, you can easily get rid of undesired elements entering the frame or add intrigue to a simple composition. Mathias admits he's hardly the first person to use this trick, but he decided to share it with world to help people who are unaware of it.

“I 'discovered' it for myself at a wedding one day when I was photographing the bride getting ready,” says Mathias. “The bridesmaids had their phones lying on the table and I saw the reflections they were creating. I realized that at the right angle and distance I could incorporate the reflection(s) into a photograph while disguising the fact that they were coming from a phone.”

This genius way will make your portraits look dreamy

Mathias Fast

Even better, this hack is completely cost-free and doesn’t require Photoshop as well

Mathias Fast

The only thing you need is your phone

Mathias Fast

“Start by holding your phone on a horizontal plane to the bottom edge of your lens”

Mathias Fast

“As you look through the viewfinder you’ll see part of the scene reflecting onto the lower part of the image”

Mathias Fast

“Simply adjust the phone slightly (while still holding it close the edge of the lens) until you see a reflection that you like:”

Mathias Fast

Here’s the result!

Mathias Fast

Mathias Fast

Mathias Fast

Mathias Fast

Mathias Fast

Mathias Fast

SoItWas on

Mathias Fast