Are Plants Actually Susceptible To Emotions? This Eye-Opening Experiment Leaves No Doubts In The Matter!

Ikea - with help from hundreds of children - decided to conduct an experiment using two of their own plants.

This experiment took place in one of schools in the Middle East. Two plants were installed in the main hall, where for the next 30 days students had to verbally encourage and support one plant, and simultaneously abuse and bully the other.

What would happen if you bullied a plant for 30 days straight?

IKEA decided to test it out to help raise awareness around Anti-Bullying Day on 4th May in the Middle East

They placed two of their plants in a school

Where one plant was fed compliments and words of encouragement

While the other was verbally bullied with hateful words

Both plants were treated strictly the same

They both received the same amount of water, sunlight and fertilizer

The end result speaks for itself

Watch this video to see the experiment in detail:

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