Artist Illustrates Everyday Life With His Wife, And Their Chemistry Is Absolutely Adorable

Comic artist and character designer Yehuda Adi Devir pictures his daily adventures with his wife in a series of pictures called "One of those days", and it describes their romantic relationship just perfectly. If you're in relationship yourself, you definitely can relate to some of these pictures.

1. World Cup

2. It’s Alive!

3. She woke up like this

4. So Maya has an Instagram account now…

5. “We” are on a diet…

6. Hanging by a thread

7. Mini vacation

8. We saw Avengers: Infinity War…twice!

9. Lightweight

10. Series killer

11. Blood test

12. Unhappy ending

13. Duck kiss

14. Proposal Remake

15. Baby face

16. Good morning

17. The sound of silence

18. Happy Valentine’s day

19. For those wondering how the artist and his wife looks like in real life they created these “Birthday special” illustrations:

20. “I picked the most beautiful flower in the garden!”

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